Stock photography is great. It creates a professional appearance and makes ads more engaging than ads without photography. However, there is a better option. Grab that digital camera or even your cell phone and start taking pics of your therapists, nurses, and office that could work in your marketing. Or better yet, hire a professional photographer to visit your office.
Our measurement of photo effectiveness comes by means of advertising to doctors on Facebook. We can run two ads with the exact same text, but with different photos. The Facebook advertising platform tells us how many times each ad has been seen and how many times each ad has been clicked. We are finding that ads with actual photos of staff or facilities garner 77% more engagement (i.e. clicks) than the exact same ad text with stock photography. Consider custom photography for your brochures, websites, and social network advertising.
By the way, a $289 investment with Brazzell Marketing Agency creates a Facebook ad campaign including detailed consultation, design of several ads, and placement of those ads. At this investment level, these ads are being seen 10,000 to 15,000 times. We can target the ads to just medical referral sources (i.e. doctors and discharge planners in your area). For private duty providers, we can target ads to premium audiences such as women, age 45+, living in affluent areas. We will help determine the optimal, exact targeting strategy in your detailed consultation. More information here: The Single Most Cost-Efficient Way to Advertise to Doctors Ever. Order form here: Facebook Referral Source Marketing