Should my mission statement be on my marketing materials? Usually not. Mission statements tend to be about your aspirations. Your aspirations don’t really tell patients and doctors what you can and will do for them today. Be it your brochure, your website, or your Facebook page, prospective customers have precious little attention to direct to your marketing materials. When you are lucky enough to get that attention, use the minutes or seconds customers give you to deliver the message that will be most effective at helping them understand exactly what you can do for them. That most effective message is rarely a recitation of your mission statement.
This is not to say that mission statements are not valuable. In addition to helping keep the administration on track with a needs-based focus on customers, mission statements can be edifying and inspirational to staff. One of the ways to promote the mission statement internally is to have it laid out nicely and printed as a poster that you can frame in your office. We can print individual posters for about $8 each.
Low Quantity Poster Printing / High Quantity Poster Printing