Brochures – in the current home care marketing environment, it seems every agency with aspirations to grow larger than two caregivers has one. This being the case, people use your home health brochure to draw conclusions about the quality of your organization. So how does an agency move from a brochure that leaves a negative […]
How to Make Stand-Out Brochures
March 17, 2019Should my mission statement be on my marketing materials? Usually not. Mission statements tend to be about your aspirations. Your aspirations don’t really tell patients and doctors what you can and will do for them today. Be it your brochure, your website, or your Facebook page, prospective customers have precious little attention to direct to […]
The Unspoken Message Rings Most True
March 29, 2018“Each medium, independent of the content it mediates, has its own intrinsic effects which are its unique message.” Dr. Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. The philosophy of Marshall McLuhan offers insight into issues with which business managers still grapple today. McLuhan coined the phrase, “The medium is the message.” In the world […]
Studies analyzing eye movement consistently show that people are drawn to photographs of faces. This is why prominently featuring a face on a brochure cover can help that brochure stand out in the clutter of a brochure rack. In addition, the gaze direction of a face in a photograph affects where a person looks next. […]
Throw Your Brochures Off An Overpass
April 24, 2016When designed well, brochures can act as consummate salespeople that sit in the lobbies of doctors’ offices, in the homes of your patients, and any other place you choose. Most practices have brochures simply because so many people expect them. The degree to which those brochures actually help the provider varies widely. Here are some […]