Order Form: Branded Email

What You Get:

  • An unlimited number of HIPAA-compliant email addresses using the domain of your choice.
  • Each email address comes with 10 GB of memory.
  • A control panel where you control all company email functions.
  • Individual login for each employee/email account.
  • Instant webmail availability for every account.

$99 per year for email hosting
$19.99 per year for domain registration if needed

We will charge your card for the first year, as we process your order. For subsequent years, we will automatically charge your credit card on file the current rate for email hosting and domain. Charges will occur two months before the renewal, in case you need time to send new payment information. You will receive receipts by email. You may cancel at any time.

To order, complete the form below.

How We Can Contact You:

Full Name:

Company Name:

Company Website:

Email Address(es):

Phone Number(s):

Subscribe to Marketing Matters email newsletter?

Domain Name

Use our Domain Availability Checker to pick a domain name. Enter your choice below: Or, leave this blank, and we will choose a great domain for you.

Note: We will automatically point your email domain to your website. When people type your email domain into an internet browser, they will be redirected seamlessly to your website address.

Optional: We encourage you to register a new domain with us and leave 100% of the setup work to us. However, you may use a domain that you have purchased elsewhere. This makes set up more difficult for you. You will be responsible for changing the "name server" setting on your domain, but free and paid support is available if you need help with this. We will send instructions for changing the setting on your domain you have purchased elsewhere after we have prepared your email hosting account.

Check if the domain above is already registered elsewhere.


Credit Card Number (AmEx, Visa, MasterCard):
Expire Month:    Expire Year:
Name on Card:

Billing Address for Card:
State:    Zip:

Please allow one business day for an associate to set up your account and email your login information.