Order Form: Facebook Target Marketing

Order using the form below or download, print, and fax back the PDF order form.

**We will not charge your credit card upon order form submission. After submitting this form, we will contact you to schedule a consultation.

Terms (Initial below):

Brazzell Marketing Agency, Inc. (BMA) agrees to:
  • Consult with the client by telephone to determine good advertising strategies for the client.
  • Create a new ad or ad set for Facebook advertising as needed (as often as every 60 days). New ad sets commonly include one script with three versions of the graphic. Alternatively, according to the needs of each campaign, we may provide video production, various graphic formats, carousel ads, and other creative work.
  • Get approval from the client before ads are published.
  • Place that advertising on the Facebook advertising platform (which can include distribution on Instagram and other partner apps).
  • Determine through consultation an ideal target audience for your ads and set up the ads on Facebook in such a way that paid delivery only occurs with the specified target audience. We can specify age, gender, geography, education, occupation, languages spoken, and a host of demographic and psychographic parameters.
  • Report on and analyze reach, frequency, and engagement every 60 days, and adjust settings as needed

Fees: The fee initialed below will be charged every 60 days. The client agrees that BMA should make the first charge to the credit card on file at the time of initial consultation. This will cover the consultation, ad design, and 60-days advertising on Facebook. BMA will continue to charge the amount specified below to the credit card on file before working on the next ad set. BMA will usually work on the next ad set two weeks before the current ad set expires.

Cancellation: The client may cancel at any time by any means of communication.

Page Posts: Please note that ads do not automatically create page posts. If you would like page posts from your ad content, please discuss further options with us.


Choose your 60-Day Advertising Level:

Your Contact Information

Company Name:

Contact Person:

Phone Numbers:

Contact Emails:

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Credit Card Number (AmEx, Visa, MasterCard):
Expire Month:    Expire Year:
Name on Card:

Billing Address for Card:
State:    Zip: