Order Form: Search Results Now

Order using the form below or download, print, and fax back the PDF order form.

**We will not charge your credit card upon order form submission. After submitting this form, we will contact you to schedule a consultation.

Terms (Initial below):

Brazzell Marketing Agency, Inc. (BMA) agrees to:
  • Consult with the client by telephone to determine good advertising strategies for the client as they pertain to search engine advertising.
  • Create a campaign designed to attract highly targeted, highly motivated callers and website visitors.
  • Ensure that campaign is served on Google search results and other websites people use to search the internet. The campaign will always serve on Google, but other websites may vary from time to time.
  • Report to the client at least monthly on campaign performance with data including at least the number of clicks and the number of times the ads were shown.
  • Analyze campaign results monthly, implement changes as needed, and create new ads as needed.

Cancellation: The client may cancel at any time by email, fax, or letter.

Fees: The fee indicated below will be charged initially and every 30 days.


Choose your Advertising Level:

Results vary widely, but ads typically appear in 2,700 targeted searches per month at level 1. You might expect to appear in an additional 1,200 searches for each additional $100 per month.

Your Contact Information

Company Name:

Contact Person:

Phone Numbers:

Contact Emails:

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Credit Card Number (AmEx, Visa, MasterCard):
Expire Month:    Expire Year:
Name on Card:

Billing Address for Card:
State:    Zip: