Displaying brochures and supplying brochures at various points around town serves as a classic home care marketing strategy. Home care marketers commonly find themselves running out of ideas for where to continue this strategy. As with most advertising, you need thousands of impressions to be in your community for the advertising to have a good chance of working. Here, we share a few ideas for broader distribution of your non-medical home care promotional material.

First, remember that you are not limited to brochures and business cards. Considering different formats may enable your agency to expand its reach with this marketing strategy. The rack card competes well in brochure racks, holds up well in cluttered drawers, and costs less to print than brochures. For spaces where there is no room for setting out brochures, high quality posters of small and large formats can be printed one at a time for low costs. At higher quantities, the cost for printing each posters gets very low. Also consider the “club flyer,” which is essentially a super-sized business card, for some places. Rip cards are rack cards or door hangers perforated at the bottom so people can rip out a business card. Table tents serve as an inexpensive way to enhance your table top displays, or we can make banner stands specially sized as table top displays! The list goes on and on. Explore even more options at our print store.

Home Care Marketing: Places to Display or Leave Your “Brochures”

The Usual Places:

  • Doctors’ offices
  • Hospitals
  • Discharge planners
  • Social workers, especially at county health departments when promoting Medicaid waiver personal care
  • Senior living facilities

Expanded Places and Less-Considered Referral Sources:

  • Clergy / pastors: as the guilt that accompanies caregiver fatigue sets in, family caregivers often confide in their clergy. Additionally, clergy know a lot of people and tend to visit hospitals when members of their congregation are sick. They are well positioned to be occasional referral sources for non-medical home care, and they are not often approached for this. Make an appointment to teach the local clergy about caregiver fatigue and leave your material.
  • Insurance agents who sell long-term care insurance: When people are ready to use their long-term care insurance, they often call the agent for a provider list. There often isn’t a preferred provider list, so the agent will offer the material of the handful of agencies that have presented themselves. You can also start tag-teaming with the insurance agent and public speaking events.
  • Pharmacies
  • Laundromats (Medicaid only): Laundromats often have community bulletin boards, and they will have a higher concentration of families that will qualify for Medicaid. Marketing material emphasizing how Medicaid will pay for home care does well in this environment.
  • Skilled home health agencies that do not provide non-medical home care as a stand-alone service.
  • Home medical equipment companies.
  • Non-emergency medical transportation vans.