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Credit Card on File
Submit this form to put a credit card on file with us.

You may also print this form and fax or mail it back by downloading the PDF: Credit Card on File Form

Terms (Initial below):

Here I provide the information for the credit card I would like to have on file with Brazzell Marketing Agency. I will on occasion telephone, email, and fax orders to Brazzell Marketing Agency and ask them to charge the credit card on file. Brazzell Marketing Agency may not charge this card unless they receive specific authorization to process an order. 


Required Note:

Please do not enter your name in the attention field. If someone at our office is waiting for this form, please enter that person's name here. Otherwise type "no one," and your card will be put on file but not charged for any specific purpose at this time.



Your Contact Information

Company Name:

Contact Person:

Phone Numbers:

Contact Emails:

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Credit Card Number (AmEx, Visa, MasterCard):
Expire Month:    Expire Year:
Name on Card:

Billing Address for Card:
State:    Zip: