Terms (Initial below):
Herewith, I am hiring Brazzell Marketing Agency to conduct work on a time-fee basis. The current rate is $19.49 per quarter hour (15 minutes). This rate was set on January 1, 2024 and will increase over time to adjust for inflation and changes in labor costs. Brazzell Marketing Agency will keep record of agreement and client authorization on work projects. Unless specified otherwise, this is considered a standing order until cancelled, as I may, from time to time, request different work on different tasks and projects. Time spent discussing a project that I have not yet agreed to pay for is complimentary customer service and is not billable time. After I agree to time-fee work on a project, time spent discussing that specific project is billable time. I understand that Brazzell Marketing Agency will, at its sole discretion, bill my credit card on file periodically for the time spent on the projects I authorize. Brazzell Marketing Agency may bill before works begins to ensure a working payment method. If Brazzell Marketing Agency bills upfront and finishes faster than expected, Brazzell Marketing Agency will credit the credit card to correct the total.