Yes, it is illegal. The only marketing material that should be on or in mail boxes is material that was sent through the United States Postal Service. There are exceptions for newspapers. Most people are aware that you can’t just stuff your marketing material in mail boxes. Some people think they are getting around that rule by hanging their materials on the mailbox or on the mailbox post. Unfortunately for business owners with plenty of shoe leather to spare, every part of the mail box from the bottom of the post to the top of the flag is the exclusive domain of the United States Postal Service (with possible exceptions for separate newspaper boxes). This is federal law, so some stiff penalties may be in play. If someone decides to make an issue about violations, we’ve read accounts of $50,000 fines or fines of $300 per occurrence (but we haven’t been able to find where these exact fines are written in the law).
- If you really want to do the door-to-door thing, let Brazzell Marketing Agency design a beautiful and professional door hanger for you. Hang them somewhere on the door rather than on the mailbox.
- Our Facebook Target Marketing achieves 10,000 to 15,000 ad views for only $289 (all-inclusive), and this platform allows you to target by age, geography, net worth, and more.
- The Post Office now has a highly discounted service called Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM). This is the official and legal version of mailbox stuffing. EDDM is for postcard marketing. Contact Brazzell Marketing Agency if you would like a detailed EDDM quote.